

When Shackleton was driven back in his attempt to reach the South Pole, he was forced to leave some men on Elephant Island, promising to come back for them. Time and again he tried, but was unable to reach them.

At last, although it was the wrong time of the year, he made another great attempt. An open channel formed between the sea and where he had left his men. He rushed in with his boat at the risk of being caught by the moving ice, got his men, and rushed out again before the ice crashed together. It only took half an hour.

Afterward, he turned to one of the rescued men and said, “How was it you were able to come so quickly?” The man answered, “Sir, Mr. Wild (Shackleton’s second-in- command) never let a chance slip. You had promised to come and we were waiting for you. Whenever there was a chance of your coming, Mr. Wild said, ‘Boys, roll up your sleeping bags, the boss may be here today,’ and, Sir, our sleeping bags were all rolled up; we were ready!”

When Christ returns, some will not be ready. Lost people who are not ready because they have not been born again through faith in Christ will be left for the awful time of tribulation. Christians who are not living as they ought will be ashamed when they are caught up into the presence of their Saviour.

If Christ had come last week would you have been ashamed? Last night? Abide in Him, that, when He shall appear, you may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.