Today’s Devotional |
Today's Devotional
- Memory Verse
- I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell, or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth,) such an one caught up to the third heaven (II Corinthians 12:2).
What is the “third heaven?” It is the abode of God.
The first heaven is the atmospheric heaven that surrounds the earth. The second heaven is where the planets and stars are located. The third heaven is the focal point of the universe and the place to which Christians go when they die.
Paul was stoned at Lystra and it is generally thought that he died during this stoning and then was resurrected. See Acts 14:19-20. Approximately fourteen years later he wrote the words of our text. Most feel he was looking back to that experience. Answering a question concerning this in his book “Bible Questions Answered,” Dr. William Pettingill said: “…if we believe, as seems very probable, that Paul is discussing his Lystra Experience in II Corinthians 12:1-10 we must leave the question unanswered as to whether he actually died under the Lystra stoning, for he says he cannot tell whether or not he was in the body. Comparing the dates between Acts 14 and II Corinthians 12 you will find that just about ‘fourteen years’ elapsed between them. (See II Corinthians 12:2.) Whether the stoning was actually to death or not, it is certain his recovering so quickly and so fully was miraculous, and that the infirmity of the flesh resulting from the experience, was given him only that he might not be ruined in his testimony by undue exaltation.”
Reflecting on the experience, Paul said that paradise was unspeakable. He couldn’t find words to describe it. Some future for Christians!
We’re headed for the “third heaven!”
Daily Devotionals
“As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God…”
Psalm 42:1, 2
“Soul Food” is a daily devotional written by Dr. Jack Van Impe that brings God’s Word to life.
“The Tender Touch” is a weekly devotional from the heart of Dr. Rexella Van Impe.
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- Soul Food
- Tender Touch
- Memory Verse
- In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2).
Dr. Charles E. Fuller received the following letter from a listener to “The Old Fashioned Revival Hour.”
“Next Sunday you are to talk about Heaven. I am interested in that land, because I have held a clear title to a bit of property there for over fifty-five years. I did not buy it. It was given to me without money and without price. But the donor purchased it for me at tremendous sacrifice... It is not a vacant lot. For more than half a century I have been sending materials out of which the greatest architect and builder of the universe has been building a home for me, which will never need to be remodeled nor repaired because it will suit me perfectly, individually, and will never grow old.
“Termites can never undermine its foundations for they rest upon the Rock of ages. Fire cannot destroy it. Floods cannot wash it away.
“I hope to hear your sermon... but I have no assurance that I shall be able to do so. My ticket to Heaven has no date marked for the journey — no return coupon — and no permit for baggage.
“Yes, I am ready to go, and I may not be here while you are talking next Sunday evening, but I shall meet you there some day .”
Fuller’s correspondent is but one of millions who have looked forward to arriving at that prepared place called heaven. The One who formed the earth, the heavens and all that are in them in six days, has been preparing places for His bride for nearly two thousand years.
Are you prepared for heaven?
If so, heaven is prepared for you!
- Memory Verse
- Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth (Luke 15:10)
A humble Moravian workman asked John Wesley before his conversion this searching question: “Do you hope to be saved?”
“Yes, I do,” replied Wesley.
“On what ground do you hope for salvation,” asked the Moravian.
“Because of my endeavors to serve God,” said Wesley.
The Moravian made no reply. He only shook his head and walked silently away. Wesley, in speaking of the incident later said, “I thought him very uncharitable, saying in my heart, ‘Would he rob me of my endeavors?’”
There came a day when Wesley understood the Gospel and was saved. Then he knew why the Moravian had reacted as he had... because salvation is solely by grace, “not by works of righteousness which we have done” (Titus 3:5). His brother, Charles, expressed that truth in these words:
“Could my tears forever flow,
Could my zeal no languor know.
These for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou alone;
In my hand no price I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling.”
Heaven is glad over every sinner who comes to Christ for salvation. And with good reason. Another will go to heaven. Another life gains meaning. Another has his record cleared, his sins forgiven. And Christ is glorified... for salvation is all of His grace.
Take Christ as your personal Saviour today. Heaven will rejoice over you!
- Memory Verse
- But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they (Acts 15:11).
Several young ladies were talking. “Don’t use that word ‘saved’ when you talk to me,” one said. It is strange that such a good word has come into disrepute.
If a man is drowning, he is glad to be saved. If a building is burning, the whole community rejoices over those who are saved. Why then this change of attitude about being saved from sin?
Perhaps it is because sin is not considered that serious. Yet the Bible indicts all men as sinners and pronounces death as a result. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Another reason men dislike the word “saved” may be its inference that the sinner must be rescued from above. Our pride in accomplishment has invaded the spiritual realm. We like to think that we have become refined enough to have gained some favor with God. Surely our honesty, compassion, and reputation must carry some weight in heaven. But they don’t.
Apart from God’s grace (unmerited favor), there is not an ounce of hope for the best of us. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9).
The temptation to regress into law keeping has been a problem to the Church from the earliest time. That was the reason for the calling of the council of apostles and elders at Jerusalem. Some today are still trying to sidestep God’s grace and earn their way to heaven.
We’re saved by grace. Spread the good news.
- Memory Verse
- Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20).
The disciples were delighted. They had returned from their preaching mission having experienced blessing and power. Luke describes it: “And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name” (Luke 10:17).
But there was something better in which they could rejoice. Their names were written in heaven.
Commenting on this text, Dr. H. A. Ironside wrote: “There is something far more blessed, however, than working miracles. That is the knowledge that one is right with God! The Lord Jesus told these exuberant disciples not to rejoice simply because demons were subject to them, but rejoice rather because their names were written in heaven. This is true of all who have trusted Christ for themselves. All such have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and these names will never be erased, but will remain for all eternity.”
A study of heaven reveals that many things are happening there in preparation of the Christian’s arrival. Heaven is a blessed place. And it is important that our names are written there! The old song is right: “There’s a new name written down in glory... and its mine!”
If you are confident that your name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you can rejoice. You’ve a reason to be glad. Have you longed to perform miracles? Have you longed for great power? These cannot compare with the privilege of having your name written in heaven.
When you get to heaven you’ll not be a stranger.
Your name is written there!
- Memory Verse
- Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word (Acts 8:4).
Some of the greatest advances for Christ have been made during times of persecution. In the first century as persecution increased, believers were forced to leave their homes and flee to other areas. As they went they preached God’s Word and their number increased. The pressure brought on these early Christians simply enlarged their ever widening circle of witness.
Others have also given their best when persecuted.
One day John Wesley preached to a great throng in an outdoor meeting. He pleaded with his hearers to flee from the wrath to come. Later Wesley said, “Many of the people acted like beasts and did their best to disturb the meeting. They tried to drive a herd of cows into the crowd, but without success. Then they began to throw stones — showers of them. One of them struck me between the eyes. I wiped away the blood, and went right on, declaring that God has given to them that believe, “not the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). I saw what a blessing it is when it is given us, even in the lowest degree, to suffer for His name’s sake!”
We know little of suffering for Christ in this good land. The heritage given America by those who laid the foundation of our government has kept our nation a place of religious freedom. Still some persecution comes to dedicated Christians by people who do not like to see a strong witness for Christ.
If persecution comes your way today...use the opportunity to tell others of Jesus. His rewards will be greater than any suffering we may endure (see Romans 8:18).
- Memory Verse
- And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do (Acts 9:6).
When Stephen died the Church suffered a great loss, but God cares for His work and raises up others to replace those who are promoted to heaven. The work of Christ is never dependent on the survival of one person.
Often the Lord calls the most unlikely into His service. Saul had stood guard over the coats of those who stoned Stephen. Who would have suspected that he would soon be converted to Stephen’s Saviour?
Saul’s conversion teaches us that the most difficult cases are not hopeless. It is unlikely that any of those early Christians expected Saul to be saved...certainly not to become the greatest missionary ever. If the believers in Damascus knew that Saul was headed their way they may have prayed for deliverance from his persecution but probably few would have dared believe he would be born again enroute to their city.
The secret of Saul’s usefulness as a Christian may be found in his initial reaction to his encounter with Christ. His response: “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” indicates immediate and total surrender. He gave his life to the Saviour with no strings attached. From that point on, his desire would be to know the will of God and do it.
Every useful servant of Christ has come to the point of unconditional surrender. D. L. Moody determined to be a man who was completely yielded to the will of God and the world still reaps the benefits.
Will you surrender to the Saviour?
- Memory Verse
- And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God (Acts 7:56).
Stephen was a first. He was one of the first deacons. He was the first person other than an apostle to be given power to perform miracles. And he was the first Christian martyr.
Having been faithful in serving tables, Stephen was given a wider ministry: “And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people” (Acts 6:8). But his increased outreach brought increased opposition. When the religious leaders heard this dynamic deacon they gathered a mob to stone him.
Before the stones started flying, Stephen was given a glimpse into heaven where he saw the Lord Jesus standing on the right hand of God.
Yes, standing.
Doesn’t the Bible say that Jesus sat down at the right hand of God following His sacrifice on the cross?
Yes, but this was a special occasion. One of His servants was in serious trouble. So the Saviour was standing. He would personally welcome him into His presence in a few minutes. So He stood. He cares.
Note also that His title, “The Son of Man,” is used here. As the Son of Man, He can identify with the needs of all men — all people ... their burdens, their sorrows, their fatigue, their persecutions.
Stephen was prepared for martyrdom before it took place. He was given a special blessing for a special occasion. When the stones came crushing in upon Stephen, he was able to pray for those who were attacking him unjustly. He had been given dying grace by his living Saviour.
Christians do not face trouble alone.
Their loving Saviour understands.
Jesus always rises to the occasion.
The instant I saw her I knew she was special.
She was only about 5 years old, and her smile
simply captivated my heart. Something about her
moved me and compelled my attention.
It was the closing night of our crusade in
Roanoke, Virginia, and after the service Dr. Van
Impe and I were sitting on the edge of the
platform, shaking hands and visiting with people.
A young couple came over to me and smiled up
at me so sweetly. There was such a wonderful
expression of the Lord on their faces. I leaned over
and shook their hands and greeted them, but they
didn't say a word.
That's when I saw her -- their beautiful little
daughter with a cherub face and an angelic smile
that wrapped itself around my heart. I motioned
to her with my finger and she came up on the
platform and stood in front of me.
As I looked into her eyes, suddenly I realized
that she couldn't talk -- both she and her parents
were without speech. So with the little bit of sign
language I know, I asked, "Do you love Jesus?"
And she signed back -- not only with her hands,
but with her eyes and her heart -- "YES... OH, YES!"
I was so moved... so overcome with emotion
that I also was mute for a long moment. There was
something in her look that spoke volumes.
Somehow I realized that this child knew the Lord
in a way that few people ever will. She had an inner
relationship with Christ so real and powerful that
His radiance glowed in her face and His joy flowed
out of her tender young life to touch everyone
around her.
I looked down into the faces of the child's
mother and father and saw their love and pride.
And I also saw that they had that special look. One
glance... and people could tell they had been with Jesus.
Because I couldn't understand the meaning of
all their signs, I was unable to converse very much
with them. But I had no doubt that they were able
to speak to Christ, perhaps in a much deeper and
more meaningful way than most of us do.
And they had taught their daughter well, and
had led her to know Jesus. Somehow I was
absolutely convinced that she had been on Christ's lap
often, even as little ones were centuries ago.
Do you have "the look"?
What do people see when they look at us? Can
they tell at a glance that we've been in the
presence of the Lord?
I love the beautiful Old Testament account of
how Moses went up to the mountain to meet with
God and to receive the Ten Commandments.
When he came back down into the camp of the
Israelites, his countenance shone -- the light that
emanated from his being told all the people at a
glance that he had been with Jehovah God.
Some time ago, a local television program
featured a man who was talking about how to have
the look that was right for you. He was stressing
the importance of choosing just the right
makeup, hairstyle, clothing colors, etc.
I believe that this is important. But as I watched
that program, I was struck with the thought that
even if we make the outer person look his or her
best, without the abiding presence of the Lord
within, we can never achieve the look that sets us
apart from the world.
What does it matter if people can look at me and
say, "My, doesn't she have an up-to-date look --
her make-up, her hair, her clothes, her grooming
are just impeccable!" If they do not see beyond the
outer shell, how real is my Christian testimony?
For all believers, one of our greatest joys should
be having people see Jesus in us -- sensing that
there is something different about us without our
saying a word.
The look of love
Not long ago, I had a beautiful, blessed
experience. I was trying on a dress in a shop when the
girl who was assisting me began to talk, and in
minutes she was pouring out her heart to me. She
told me her problems and asked for advice and
help. After I counseled with her concerning her
personal need, I proceeded to explain God's plan
of salvation and her greatest need of all -- to
accept Christ. So we were praying, and she
opened her heart to the Lord. Later, when I asked
why she came to me for help, she said, "There was
just something about you -- a certain look that
touched me."
What's in a look?
God help us to be so filled with His presence and
so overflowing with His love that we have our
Lord's look -- the look of love.
I've always felt that ashes were so worthless. If
you've ever looked into a fireplace after the fire has
gone out and the last embers are cold, what you
see is so empty and useless.
A few years ago when a disastrous fire struck
the company where the videotape masters of all
the past Jack Van Impe television programs were
stored, I felt so helpless. It was devastating to
think that so many months and years of hard
work had gone up in smoke -- at least 2.8 million
dollars' worth of production value was lost forever.
All that was left was... ashes!
But no -- suddenly the Lord let me see that the
value of those TV programs was not encased in a
few reels of videotape. Their real worth is
measured in the number of souls won to Christ -- the
decisions and rededications... those comforted and edified.
The work God wanted those tapes to
accomplish was done, and no fire could destroy their
eternal value. Satan might reduce their physical
form to ashes, but he can never erase the impact of
their gospel message on the hearts and minds of
millions of people around the world.
Mark Video Enterprises was one of the most
modern facilities in the world. Its vaults were
supposed to be among the safest, most fireproof
storage centers available. But they failed.
And the only thing that will last out of the ash
pile that was left is what was done for the Lord.
Tried by fire
I am reminded of what the Bible teaches about
that day when we all stand before the Lord. The
Apostle Paul wrote, and the fire shall try every
man's work of what sort it is (1 Corinthians 3:13).
If our lives have been invested for God, our
works will withstand the fire as if made of gold,
silver, or precious stones. But if our treasures have
been material things, they will burn up like wood,
hay, or stubble, leaving only ashes!
Oh, I want my works to have eternal value on
that day when I stand before the Master, don't you?
That's why we must put God's work first in our
lives and devote our time and energy to winning
souls to Christ. That's why Dr. Van Impe and I
implore you to help us carry out the Great
Commission and produce fruit that remains.
Perhaps you feel that the fires of adversity have
already swept across your life and everything
you've worked for has gone up in smoke. It may be
that all you can see are the ashes of what might
have been.
Well, I have good news for you.
Jesus came to restore you, to bind up your
broken heart, to free you from bondage, to give
you beauty for ashes! (see Isaiah 61:1-3).
Let His love heal you. Let His Spirit strengthen
and empower you.
Let His forgiveness make you over and give you
a new life. Rise up from the ashes of every failure
and disappointment that has marred your life and
begin anew.
Stand firm upon the foundation of the Lord
Jesus Christ and begin building a work that will endure.
Resting in the Reality of the Resurrection
Not too far from where I live is a beautiful
memorial garden where my father is buried. I pass by
there often, and many times I find myself
remembering the comforting words of Jesus in the New
Testament, spoken to a woman who had lost a
loved one in death.
I am the resurrection, and the life: he that
believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall
he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in
me shall never die. Believest thou this? (John
Because I do believe Christ's promise, I have the
absolute, unshakable assurance that I will see my
father again some day. He is going to be
resurrected! Jesus said so, and He triumphed over
death nearly 2,000 years ago. Because He lives,
we shall live also.
Now, if Jesus had said, "I'm your resurrection
and life," and hadn't come out of the grave, I
wouldn't have very much hope that my father is
going to be resurrected... or that I will be. But our
Saviour did rise again. HE'S ALIVE!
My father's homegoing
My father, Rex Shelton, was so very dear to me.
He was a man of faith -- he had the assurance of
his personal salvation. He trusted completely in
Jesus. So when the time came for him to leave this
life, mother and all of us children were ready to see
his suffering end, knowing that he would be
ushered into the presence of Jesus for all eternity.
"Go on, Dad. We know you want to go. Go on,
Dad." These words of love, understanding, and
comfort were spoken by my brother Bob as our
father was drawing his last breath of mortal life.
My two brothers, their darling wives, and my
precious husband and I had gathered at my mother's
side from all parts of the country. She had not
called one of us. Through the drawing power of
God's Spirit, we had sensed that Dad was ready to
leave us, and we all wanted to be there.
How we praise the Lord for those closing days
and hours with him. We talked together, laughed
together, cried together, prayed together, and
loved together. The very presence of God was in
that hospital room each day and night, and we
experienced the serenity that He alone can give.
Oh, how great is our dear Lord to condescend to
care for our feelings, frustrations, and passions.
I had felt so helpless as I watched my father
suffer. We had prayed for a miracle -- for the
healing of his body. But, as the Lord said "no" to
Paul when he three times prayed to be healed of
his infirmity, so God had said "no" to us. Instead,
He promised a special reward and crown for Dad's
patience and suffering during those 11 months of
intense pain. Through it all, Dad never doubted
God's love, infinite wisdom, and plan for his life.
He knew Jesus was walking with him every
moment and that he was not bearing the pain
"My Lord is waiting!"
to my father's side as he pointed to the wall from
his bed.
"What is it, Daddy?"
"I'm walking through the valley of the shadow
of death."
With all the compassion and love I had within
me, I placed my hand on his and asked, "Who is
waiting for you on the other side?"
Great peace shone on his face and tears welled
up into his eyes as he replied, "My Lord... my
Lord is waiting."
The valley of the shadow of death is not hurtful
or painful for a believer. Just as it causes no pain to
drive through the shadow of a truck on the
highway, so passing through the shadow of death
brings but a temporary lack of full light and
brightness as we approach heaven -- where Jesus
himself is our light.
Just hours before Dad left us, he was still in
perfect control. In fact, his departing thoughts and
statements have implanted themselves into our
hearts forever. He prayed over us and shared one
final time his joy in knowing that we were all there
to strengthen one another in family communion
and love.
Finally, the doctor with whom my father had
shared his faith and the love of God for seven years
informed us that Dad would be gone before the
day ended. The nurses who had tenderly cared for
him placed a soft, white lambskin under his body
to ease the excruciating pain and through tears
expressed their sorrow at losing him. They knew
Dad well on that floor of the hospital and had come
to love him.
Resting on the Lamb
As we sat around Dad, praying, remembering
him, loving him, and clinging to the Lord and each
other for strength, I looked up and beheld my
father resting on that lambskin. "Oh, look at
Daddy," I exclaimed. "How symbolic of what is
occurring. He is resting on the Lamb!"
At 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 24, 1981, Dad
left us for the home he had reserved as just a
young boy. He had opened his heart to Jesus
Christ in an evangelistic meeting and never
doubted his eternal destiny thereafter.
Dad's departure into eternity, infinity, and the
presence of the Lord was profound and sacred to
each of us as my mother, my brothers, and I held
his hands and touched his face one last time. How
privileged I was to personally witness the faith,
strength, and tranquillity God supplies to His
children when they pass through the valley of the
shadow of death. How satisfying it is for me to
know that one day very soon -- perhaps today -- I
will see Dad again. He was the one who had taught
me how to live, and he so beautifully taught me
how to die.
Every time I think of Easter and the resurrection
of Jesus Christ, I think not only of His
resurrection, but the promise He gave that all those who
have trusted in Him will be resurrected one day,
too. If the Word of God will not stand up in our
times of deepest need, what good is it?
But it does stand! I know personally, from my
own experience.
The truth of Christ's resurrection was sufficient
for my father. It is sufficient for me. And if you
have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, it is
sufficient for you.
I'm so happy that I have this assurance, and I'd
like to leave you with this challenging question --
The ancient Greeks loved the theater. Their
writers created elaborate stories -- both comedies
and tragedies -- in the form of plays to be acted out
in their amphitheaters.
Greek actors, skilled at playing many roles,
switched from one character to another by going
backstage and changing masks. When an actor
returned to the stage with a new face he became
another person.
The Greek word for one of these people of many
faces was hypokrite -- or hypocrite in English. It
has come to mean one who acts out a part or
pretends to be what he is not.
In the New Testament Jesus chided the religious
elite of His day, the scribes and Pharisees who
were more concerned with the traditions and
ceremonies of serving God than the meaning and
purpose of God's laws. He said, Well hath Esaias
prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written,
This people honoureth me with their lips, but
their heart is far from me (Mark 7:6).
Today so many who call themselves Christians
have an extensive collection of masks they can put
on and take off at will. They wear many different
faces, depending on where they are, who they are
with, and what they are doing.
Don't misunderstand me -- I'm not talking
about being able to perform different functions as
a person. A man may be a husband, father,
businessman, sports enthusiast, handyman, scholar,
and spiritual leader. A woman may be a wife,
mother, counselor, chef, chauffeur, seamstress,
designer, musician, gardener, etc. But in both
examples, the individual can remain the same
person while performing various functions.
Hypocrisy comes from attempting to be
completely different people according to the
environment or situation in which we find ourselves. And
all of us are tempted to try our hand at role playing
at one time or another.
The real you!
Do you ever find yourself acting one way at
church, another way at home, and still another at
work? Have you ever considered allowing your
values, appearance, vocabulary, personality, and
behavior to change dramatically from Sunday to
Monday... from your work place to your home...
from public to private life?
Are there times when you wonder who -- and
what -- is the real you?
Several years ago, Dr. Van Impe and I knew of a
young evangelist who had enormous ability. He
was handsome, knowledgeable, and articulate.
He spoke with eloquence, diction, and power. It
seemed certain that he would become one of the
most effective ministers in America.
I remember especially his strong messages
about the evils of alcohol and how the devil was
using strong drink to cause untold misery and
destroy countless lives.
Then, in the prime of his life, this young
minister suddenly died! In an instant he was gone.
Later, it was revealed that he had fought an
unending personal battle with liquor. Many nights
after his evangelistic services he drank himself
into an alcoholic stupor. How tragic that he
proclaimed the life-changing, transforming power of
Christ's salvation to multiplied thousands, yet
never accepted God's deliverance from the satanic
bondage that enslaved him.
Mixed signals
One troubled young man in California came to
as after a service and said, "I don't understand my
dad's religion. He's a deacon in the church and he
seems so pious and so holy. But when he comes
home, he yells and swears at my mother." This
boy was troubled at the mixed signals he was
receiving from his father's behavior. He realized
that something was dreadfully wrong.
The Apostle James asked, Doth a fountain
send forth at the same place sweet water and
bitter? Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive
berries? (James 3:11,12).
Of course not! Then why is it that we often see
entire casts of characters wrapped up in a single
individual? Sometimes we're not quite sure
which face they will show us next. How can this
I believe it may be explained by noting that man
loses the awareness of his true identity when he
loses sight of who God is! When man -- either
deliberately or accidentally -- loses sight of God
the Father, he soon loses his way in the resulting
The Bible tells how in the beginning the Lord
God himself came into the Garden of Eden to have
fellowship with Adam and Eve. He knew them
personally... and they knew Him.
Then they sinned by disobeying God.
Immediately Adam and Eve changed the way they acted --
they hid themselves from the presence of the
Lord. Ultimately they were driven out of the
Garden... and out of fellowship with God.
From that day on, the human family began to
lose sight of God -- to forget who He was and what
He was really like.
Putting a mask on God
As the years and centuries went by, man created
a picture of God that was so distorted and
mistaken that very few really understood His divine
plan and His tender lovingkindness.
In the eloquent words of Paul the apostle: When
they knew God, they glorified him not as God,
neither were thankful; but became vain in their
imaginations, and their foolish heart was
darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they
became fools, and changed the glory of the
uncorruptible God into an image made like to
corruptible man (Romans 1:21-23).
I like the way The Living Bible expresses verse
21 -- And after a while they began to think up
silly ideas of what God was like and what He
wanted them to do.
In effect, man created a mask -- grotesque and
corrupt -- and used it to cover the face of God. And
darkness again covered the earth and the lives of
It was then that God chose to reveal himself
afresh and anew to all mankind. Paul Scherer
described "the night of all nights when God came
down 'the stairs of heaven with a child in his
Throwing aside the crude mask that man had
placed upon Him, the Father sent His Son, Jesus,
from heaven to earth -- to once again walk among
men and show them who God is and what He is
like. So Jesus came, ministering to the poor,
healing the sick, pouring out boundless love to all
men. "Do you see me and my works?" He asked.
"Then understand that this is the nature of God.
For when you see me, you see the Father."
Identify with God
Oh, my friend, the joy of seeing the Father... of
having fellowship with God! This is the secret of
true self-discovery. For as you find out who God is
and your eternal relationship with Him through
Christ, you will suddenly see yourself in a new
And then, you can strip away all your masks
and faces and go forth in your new identity -- as a
child of God.
Join me in giving thanks for that first
Christmas, when God took off His mask and
revealed himself to us again. If you have not yet
received Him, I urge you now to -- Turn your eyes
upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face; And
the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the
light of His glory and grace.