
In Jesus’ Name

What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus? It means to come to God relying on the merits of Jesus, having no confidence in our own righteousness. It also involves praying so that Jesus may be glorified in the answer. On the latter, the late Dr. Charles Blanchard shared the following in his book, “Getting Things from God:”

“Again, praying in the name of Jesus is praying in order that the name of Jesus may be glorified, His kingdom built up, His church established. This test again causes many of our supposed prayers to disappear.”

Keeping this in mind, what was the motive in your praying yesterday? Did you come to the throne of grace in the merits of Jesus, or did you pray feeling that God really ought to answer because you deserve it for your faithful service? Did your praying have the glory of God as its motive? If not, you did not really pray in the name of Jesus.

The promise of answered prayer that is made in the name of Jesus is both thrilling and frightening. The promise is so broad and unlimited that its possibilities are exciting. The danger lies in loosely using the name of Jesus as a habit of prayer or a magic phrase without thought or reverence and in so doing taking the name of Christ in vain.

To pray in the name of Jesus, then, involves the attitude of the heart. If you have come in His merits and for His glory, ask boldly in His name. He is responsible to keep His promise of answered prayer.