
Love Is Powerful

All Christian service is powerless without love.

No matter how you speak — you are weak without love. No matter your words — they are worthless without love. Eloquence may move men and nations for political causes, but in Christian work even the ability to speak as an angel cannot bring true success without love.

Spiritual gifts are useless apart from love. The exercise of God-given gifts will be empty of edification unless love is present. Even faith is unable to move hearts when moving mountains without love.

Sacrifice without love is senseless. It has been said: “You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” What may be missed is the lack of purpose in a gift that is given without love. Even martyrdom — for the sake of martyrdom or making a name — accomplishes nothing of lasting value!

This is the century of tools and gimmicks. More means of getting the Gospel to the world exist today than ever before. Bible schools and colleges for training Christian soldiers abound. Printing presses produce attractive literature, written to capture interest and convince all skeptics. Radio and television make it possible to preach the message to every corner of the globe. Still, millions remain unreached.


Could it be a lack of love? Logistics, without love, fail! Is love the missing ingredient in your teaching? In your preaching? In your witnessing? In your home?