
The Crown of Rejoicing

An aged farmer visited his son, a popular senator in Washington D. C. The farmer was a zealous Christian. During his stay in the nation’s capital, his son introduced him to the ambassador from Belgium. As soon as they had exchanged greetings, the farmer earnestly asked, “Sir, are you a Christian?” The senator was greatly embarrassed by his father’s question and before the ambassador could reply, changed the subject of conversation.

Shortly thereafter the senator’s father became ill and died. Hearing of his death, the ambassador sent flowers. A note was attached to them that brought tears to the eyes of the popular senator. The note said: “He was the only man in America who asked me if I was a Christian.”

In the Bible’s final chapter, there is a message from Jesus about rewards that will be given to Christians at His return: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Revelation 22:12). If we knew the real value of those coming rewards, we would surely be more diligent in our service for Him.

Paul wrote of another reward that he anticipated at the Lord’s coming — that of seeing people whom he had led to Christ. He called them his “Crown of Rejoicing,” and added that these converts were his glory and joy.

Many Christians miss the joy of leading others to the Saviour. Opportunities abound. And taking advantage of them is the only way to have the Crown of Rejoicing at the Lord’s return.