
To Minister

Millions are ministered to.

Few minister.

And in our lack of ministering, we are unlike Jesus.

Today’s pattern of taking in weekly without giving out is unknown in the Bible. Even when persecution of the early church scattered its members, they were faithful ministers while fleeing: “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word” (Acts 8:4).

Truth is given to pass on to others. Blessings are given to share. Financial prosperity is given so that one can give to those in need… and not just at the end of life to beneficiaries of a will. Health is given so that vigor and strength can be used to lift the burdens of others. Years are given so that we can have time to influence people through our lives and words and point them to God.

Receivers who do not give are losers. They lose the thrill of giving. Of seeing the sparkle in the eyes of one who has been helped. Of watching one go on to success who had been counted out. Of witnessing faith grow as a result of sharing the love of Christ.

So, we must minister. But where shall we start?

Let us begin where we are. What have we received this week that can be given to others? What was there about the pastor’s sermon that made it special to you? Tell a friend. His need is likely to be the same as yours. And in passing on the blessing you will be ministering.

It’s the only way to be like Jesus!