
IDF prepared for ‘significant response’ in Lebanon after deadly Hezbollah rocket attack

YnetNews.com reports: “After Hezbollah fired a heavy rocket barrage toward the city of Safed and an IDF base in northern Israel on Wednesday, killing a woman and injuring at least eight people, the IDF is preparing for a ‘significant response’ in Lebanon, military sources told Ynet, likely aimed at numerous targets.

So far, the IDF has responded to Hezbollah’s rocket fire toward northern Israel moderately, primarily striking the sources of fire and various targets belonging to the terrorist organization in southern Lebanon.

Earlier on Wednesday, the IDF confirmed that rocket fire from Lebanon also hit a military base in northern Israel. Ynet has learned that some of the rockets targeted the IDF Northern Command base in Safed. According to Arab reports, some rockets also targeted the Israeli Air Force base in Meron.

‘Numerous launches were identified crossing from Lebanon into the areas of Netu’a, Manara, and into an IDF base in northern Israel. The IDF struck the sources of the fire,’ the military said in a statement…”

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