
Iran’s Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome ‘crooked’ Western civilization

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei on Sunday called Western civilization ‘crooked’ and said, ‘The right culture and correct logic of Islam will overcome it,’ Iranian state media reported.

In the same speech at a meeting in the Khuzestan province of Iran, on the southern border with Iraq and the Gulf states, he said: ‘This is the real face of Western culture and civilization and liberal democracy, which on the outside are ironed politicians with smiles on their faces. But on the inside, it is a rabid dog and a bloodthirsty wolf.’

Regarding the war in Gaza, Khamenei condemned what he said was Western hypocrisy.

‘Westerners, who make noise and uproar for the execution of a criminal, face the slaughter of 30,000 innocent people in Gaza, and the United States brazenly vetoes the resolution to stop bombing Gaza for the umpteenth time,’ he said…”

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