
Rockets on Ramadan? Hamas, Hezbollah coordinating ‘next stage’ of war on Israel – report

The Jerusalem Post reports: “An anonymous official in the Hamas terrorist movement told Sky News Arabia that ‘ There is coordination with Hezbollah in the field or regarding the next stage,’ the source posted on X on Tuesday.

The anonymous souce also claimed that Israel had planned for a prolonged war in the Gaza Strip, which could last years, according to Al-Balad. The official added that the ‘decision on peace,’ presumedly meaning a ceasefire, did not come down to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. 

‘We may witness a truce in Gaza during the month of Ramadan without announcing it,’ the official said while accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of not being serious about a ceasefire agreement. 

Hamas is more interested in igniting the Middle East during Ramadan than in pausing the Gaza war; Mossad warned on Saturday night that it seemed that a hostage deal was not in the offing before the start of the Muslim holy month that begins on Sunday night, the Jerusalem Post reported…”

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