

Report: Al-Qaida developed liquid that turns clothes into explosives

Haaretz reports: “An Al-Qaida affiliate has developed a new generation of liquid explosive that U.S. officials fear could be used in a future attack, ABC News reported Monday [August 5, 2013].

Two senior U.S. government sources who have been briefed on the terror threat that prompted the U.S. to close embassies across the Mideast and North Africa this week, told the network that clothes dipped in the liquid become explosive devices when dry.

One of the U.S. officials described the new generation explosive as ‘ingenious,’ while another said it would be undetectable under current security processes.

The liquid explosive is believed to be the brainchild of the Yemen-based affiliate Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the officials told ABC News. This affiliate is home to Ibrahim al-Asiri, a master bomb maker, who was on the 25 ‘most wanted terrorist’ list published by the Yemeni government…” (Romans 1:30 predicts that mankind will become “…inventors of evil things…” Read Romans 1:21 – 32 for a complete analysis of what and why.)



Photos of ‘smiling martyrs’ hit Internet

WND.com reports: “A campaign on Twitter aims to inspire Muslim men to join war in the Middle East by featuring the faces of the dead – smiling.

The Middle East Media Research Institute report says the macabre images are to convince additional fighters to join the effort to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Besides the images, there are messages. One of the Tweets even mentions the smile on the jihadist’s face and invokes the war against Assad.

‘A deceased martyr smiling … your glory oh Allah (oh Allah make the ending better) #martyr #Syria Oh God, your glory eclipses the land of Bashar.’…” (“…evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” – II Timothy 3:13.)



Al-Qaida threat in Middle East ‘most serious in years’, says U.S. lawmaker

Haaretz reports: “The Al-Qaida threat that closed U.S. embassies in the Middle East on Sunday [August 4, 2013] is the most serious in years and the ‘chatter’ among suspected terrorists is reminiscent of what preceded the Sept. 11 attacks, a U.S. lawmaker who is briefed on intelligence said.

The State Department closed 21 embassies and consulates and issued a worldwide travel alert warning Americans that Al-Qaida may be planning attacks in August, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa.

‘There is an awful lot of chatter out there,’ Senator Saxby Chambliss, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’

He said ‘chatter’ – electronically monitored communications among terrorism suspects about the planning of a possible attack – was ‘very reminiscent of what we saw pre-9/11.’

The threat also has prompted some European countries to close their embassies in Yemen, where an Al-Qaida affiliate, Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, is based. ‘This is the most serious threat that I’ve seen in the last several years,’ Chambliss said…” (A final sign predicted by our Lord is that “…upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity [mass confusion] will occur – Luke 21:25. It has occurred.)