
Hello Jack and Rexella,

I just wanted to send a huge Thank You for all you do. I received Jesus into my heart after watching your show a few years back. I am now 39 but this happened for me one night when I was 21 years old. I came home from work and turned on the TV and there you were.

I began to discover how this world was in bad shape during the broadcast. Shortly after I followed the prayer that you gave at the end of the broadcast

I began weeping over the idea of Jesus on the cross for me. I couldn’t shake it. I wept over this for a good 15 minutes realizing how this must have been for Jesus.

OH I want to thank you for all you do. All the people that come to know our Lord because of you. I apologize for taking so long to respond. What a blessing you both are for the work you continue to do. I thank my God every time I remember you….Philippians 1:3.

George D.