
Daily Devotional

Today’s Devotional February 19

Paul commended the Bereans because they searched the Scriptures daily. The Bible deserves our daily attention because it is the verbally inspired Word of God. Some doubt this foundational fact; yet without a dependable Bible, […]


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      Lives Changed

      Dear Doctors Jack and Rexella Van Impe,

      I am writing from Quito, Ecuador to thank you ever so much for your terrific Newsletters, each one is so valuable! Also, I anxiously await your extraordinary weekly TV programs, which are an enormous blessing for me and which I try to share with my two sons, as my husband, unfortunately, does not know English.

      I want to give our Lord Jesus Christ eternal thanks for your lives and for all of the numberless hours and years of hard work that you have rendered in His service and ask you to please continue in so doing until the day of His very close coming!

      Sincerely in Christ,

      Connie J.

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      About JVIM

      Current international events reflect exactly the conditions predicted throughout the Bible for the last days of this age. Dr. Jack Van Impe has been declaring the truth of Bible prophecy since 1948 and continues to be a leading voice in declaring the soon return of the Savior. Dr. Rexella Van Impe is a talented musician and a critical part of the TV and teaching ministries.

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