
Pilate’s Question

Proud Pilate asked a question that has echoed through the centuries. It reveals the agony of indecision on life’s greatest question.

It is a personal question. “What shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ?” Though he would have liked to avoid answering or delegating the decision to another, he was the only one who could make that life or death decision. There were many pressures upon Pilate that day. The crowd had rejected his offer to free Jesus and had chosen Barabbas. His wife had sent word about a strange dream that had her upset. The noisy crowd continued their chant and he wanted to please them. He would have to decide.

It is a question that demands action. “What shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ? Pilate tried to escape making a decision by publicly washing his hands of the entire situation. But he could not get away with neutrality. He must decide.

It is a question about Jesus. “What shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ?” Pilate had made some important decisions in his life but they were all dwarfed by this one. This question was about the Saviour. It was not about religious ceremonies or laws, but about a person. That Person was Jesus.

We are faced with a decision such as Pilate had to make, a decision about Jesus.

What will you do then with Jesus, who is called Christ?