Overview of Major Events Chart

Middle East Invasion Map

Revelation Illustrated
All art is protected under copyright law. Unauthorized use, copying, or printing of these images in any form is prohibited without consent from the artist. To contact the artist see the Revelation Illustrated Contact Page. All art Copyright © 1992, Pat Marvenko Smith
Map of the seven churches of Asia and the Isle of Patmos
Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos (Rev.1:9-11)
John turning (“To see the voice that was speaking to him”) (REV. 1:12)
Christ amidst the lampstands (Rev. 1:12-20)
The open door in Heaven
Rev. 4:1)
The emerald throne scene in Heaven (REV. 4:2-11)
Casting crowns before the throne (REV. 5:9-11)
The mighty Angel (who asks “Who is worthy to open the scroll?”) (REV. 5:2)
The opening of the sealed scroll (REV. 5:5-14)
The first four seals; four horsemen (REV. 6:1-8)
The fifth seal; souls of the martyrs (REV. 6:9-11)
The sixth seal; destruction in nature (REV. 6:12-17)
Receiving the seal of God (REV. 7:2-8)
144,000 sealed and the multitude in white robes (REV. 7:3-10)
The seventh seal; seven Angels,
seven trumpets (REV. 8)
First six trumpet judgements (REV. 8:6-13 and REV. 9)
The Angel and the little scroll (REV. 10)
The two witnesses and the seventh
trumpet judgement (REV. 11)
The two witnesses ascending to heaven (REV. 11:12)
The woman and the dragon
(REV. 12:1-5)
War in heaven; Michael defeats the dragon (REV. 12:7-12)
Woman with the wings of an eagle (REV. 12:14)
The dragon spewing water to overtake the woman, but the earth swallows the river (REV. 12:15-16)
The three beasts and 666 (REV. 13)
The 7 bowl judgements (REV. 16)
The plagues of the seven bowls (REV. 16)
Babylon the great riding the beast (REV. 17)
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
(REV. 19:11-16)
Beast and false prophet cast into
the lake of fire (REV. 19:20)
The Angel with the great chain (REV. 20:1-2)
The dragon, chained (REV. 20:3)
The dragon, released to gather the
nations for battle (REV. 20:7-8)
The dragon thrown into the lake
of fire (REV. 20:10)
The great white throne judgement
(REV. 20:11-13)
The books are opened and also the book of life (REV. 20:12-13)
The lake of fire (REV. 20:14-15)
The Angel with the measuring rod taking John to see the new Jerusalem (REV. 21:9-10)
The city four-square; new Jerusalem (REV. 21:1-21)
The foundations of the city
(REV. 21:12-14 and REV. 21:19-20)
Through the gate of the eternal city (REV. 21:21-27 and REV. 22:1-6)