
Netanyahu: ‘It’s either us – Israel, or them – the Hamas monsters’

The Jerusalem Post reports: “Israel is in an existential war in which defeat is not an option, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during Monday’s ceremony at the Mt. Herzl Military Ceremony to mark the annual Remembrance Day.

‘It’s either us – Israel, or them – the Hamas monsters of Hamas,’ he said, as the country paid homage to fallen soldiers from all its wars, as a time when it was battling the terror group in Gaza.

What is at stake, Netanyahu said, is Israel’s ‘existence, liberty, security and prosperity.’

Should Israel fail, it could face another October 7th-like attack, in which there would be ‘torture, massacre, rape and slavery.’ 

Israel, he said, is ‘determined to win this fight. We have exacted and will exact a heavy price from the enemy for his criminal acts.’

‘We will achieve the goal we set out for victory, central to which is the return of all the hostages,’ Netanyahu stated…”

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