
US calls on Iran to halt unprecedented weapons transfers to Yemen’s Houthis

Voice of America News reports: “The United States called on Iran on Monday to halt its transfer of an ‘unprecedented’ amount of weaponry to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, enabling their fighters to carry out ‘reckless attacks’ on ships in the Red Sea and elsewhere.

U.S. Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood told the U.N. Security Council that if it wants to make progress toward ending the civil war in Yemen, it should collectively ‘call Iran out for its destabilizing role and insist that it cannot hide behind the Houthis.’

He said there is extensive evidence that Iran is providing advanced weapons, including ballistic and cruise missiles, to the Houthis in violation of U.N. sanctions.

‘To underscore the council’s concern regarding the ongoing violations of the arms embargo, we must do more to strengthen enforcement and deter sanctions violators,’ Wood said…”

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